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10: Essential Tips for Positive Behaviour Support With Renee Dela Cruz

Jane invites Renee Dela Cruz to discuss the changing the perception around Positive Behaviour Support (PBS), emphasizing its importance and the impact it can have when approached correctly. Renee shares her insights on how PBS is misunderstood and provides a more empathetic and effective perspective on understanding and addressing behaviors.

Key Points:

Understanding PBS: Changing the lens on PBS, its roots in applied behavioural analysis and misconceptions around it.

Toolkit Approach: Viewing PBS as a toolkit to understand and address distressing behaviours by understanding the individual’s environment and triggers.

Empathy and Empowerment: The importance of empathy, understanding, and empowerment in creating effective Behaviour Support Plans under NDIS.

Misconceptions about Behaviour: Challenging the idea that behaviours are merely choices and instead highlighting them as responses to distress.

Family Focused: Using PBS to help families understand and support their loved ones better, rather than just controlling or managing behaviours.

If you’d like to connect with Renee here is her website:


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