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ADHD Mums Podcast

35. Do you have ADHD or is this just #Mum Life?

By September 25, 2023August 21st, 2024No Comments2 min read

Do you have ADHD or is this just #Mum Life?

Jane interviews Amanda Di Giglio (waiting on ADHD diagnosis) and Sarah Potts (Neurotypical). Both are 38 year old women who have been friends for 26 years. Amanda has 5 year boy with a ASD diagnosis and 2.5 year old daughter. Sarah has 7 year old daughter and 5 year old boy.

Both are married and work part time in NSW. The idea of this episode is to compare the experiences of an ADHD Mum vs a Neurotypical Mum. If you are questioning if you have ADHD or is this just Mum life?

This is the episode for you.


– Sarah and Amanda compares their morning routine.

–> Do they get there on time?

–> How do they remember everything?

— What’s their mood like?

– Sarah and Amanda compare the way they organise themselves

for ‘colour day.’

–> Jane jumps in and compares pre medicated Jane and medicated Jane.

She can actually start to operate in some similarity with Sarah.

Sarah and Amanda discuss meal planning, grocery shopping and logistics in a household. Admin tasks, change in routine, sick kids.

–> How many tabs are open, what systems are used, how do you handle stress and last minute changes? They also discuss holidaying together, who arrives at the airport when, who organises

the itinerary and how it works. Sarah and Amanda discuss dopamine seeking behaviour, Jane compares unmedicated Jane to medicated Jane.

This episode is all about the comparisons. This is always a dangerous area, we don’t want to compare our lives about whose life is harder – yet we also want to draw the line between an ADHD Mum and a neurotypical Mum. They are both challenging yet they are also very difficult. If you aren’t sure where you sit, what is ‘normal’ and what isn’t – then this is the episode for you.

Check out Sarah’s organisation business


Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jane-mcfadden/message

Check out other podcasts: ADHD Mums Podcast

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