Great for struggling, burnt out Mums who want drop the perfectionism.

Featuring both lived experiences from everyday Aussie Mum's and quality information on diagnosis, medication, strategies for success and how to live a more balanced life as a woman with neurodiversity. 

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Diagnosis Pathway for Children and NDIS

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Featuring both lived experiences from everyday Aussie Mum's and quality information on diagnosis, medication, strategies for success and how to live a more balanced life as a woman with neurodiversity.

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A supportive community for authentic conversations about the challenges of neurodiversity, motherhood, and everyday life. Find resources, professional guidance, and practical tips for achieving greater balance and well-being. 


Expert tips and resources for ADHD mums to thrive in motherhood and beyond. Download our free ebooks today!

Jane McFadden

Certified Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist

Neuroscientist and Neurodivergence Assessor and Specialist

Jane McFadden is a former psychologist. After studying psychology and starting out working  as a psychologist Jane decided to change her path. She wrote the first online psychology program for veterans with PTSD in 2019. This business has grown into the largest psychology company in Australia in 2024.

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Whether you or someone you know, love or work with has ADHD, this is a brilliant podcast to listen to. Jane provides such a nurturing and empowering podcast with knowledgeable people in a way that is eye opening and validating. This podcast is reducing stigma, spreading acceptance and celebrating diversity for all people with ADHD.

As a late diagnosed ADHD’er and mum, this podcast has provided me with such a sense of belonging, I feel like for the first time in my life I fit in somewhere. The amount of validation from Jane’s stories and experiences and those of the guest speakers, women I have never met, has been profound to say the least. I find myself nodding along in agreement, laughing at the similarities between my own lived experiences. The similarities in some stories to my own has given me such solace that I’m not the problem, I’m not too much, I’m not lazy, I’m not careless….. In fact quite the opposite. Jane, please continue what you are doing, having the conversations you are, with everyday mums to specialists in their field, providing some truly profound insights and having the impact you are. Thank you.

I’ve never felt so validated. I have been at war with myself since I became a mother 2.5 years ago (and well before) and this podcast has really made me feel seen and less isolated. I am not a diagnosed mumma yet but I resonate with everything. Jane is so honest and asks all the hard questions and her guests are so diverse and interesting to listen to.

If not for this podcast I would likely still be suffering and not have sought a diagnosis and life changing medication. Thank you so much Jane and team! I had long suspected that I had ADHD but thought maybe I was just struggling with being a mum. I stumbled across this podcast in an attempt to see if I could find non medicated supports to make life easier but with each episode I listened to and resonated with I realised I truly did have ADHD and hearing how life changing medication can be I finally sought my diagnosis and now I’m medicated and a much better mum and self as a result. Thank you for an incredible resource!

Navigating the assessment and diagnosis pathway for myself and my daughters would have been so much bumpier, emotional and difficult without this amazing resource.